What is Theosophy
The word Theosophy has been used for many centuries. It is of Greek origin (theo- ‘divine’, and sophia – ‘wisdom’) meaning Divine Wisdom. It is the wisdom that cannot be enclosed within words.
It is a Truth which must be discovered and experienced by each one for themselves.
Theosophy, sometimes also called the Ageless Wisdom, is the Light which shines through the many coloured lamps of religions. It is the thread of truth in scriptures, creeds, symbols, myths and rituals.
What is Theosophy
The word Theosophy has been used for many centuries. It is of Greek origin (theo- ‘divine’, and sophia – ‘wisdom’) meaning Divine Wisdom.
Leeds Theosophical Society possesses a comphrensive collection of books, booklets, journals, CDs and audio cassettes of lectures, and videos and DVDs on spiritual topics in its extensive library, which are available for study by its members. Please, click here to read more.
Freedom of the Society
The Theosophical Society passed the following resolution in 1924 and and 1949 respectively in order to express and to preserve the Freedoms that the society stands for. Please, click here to read more.
The Objects of the Society
To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour. Please, click here to read more.
Benefits of Membership
Belong to a Tried and Tested Organisation which has been bringing the Great Esoteric Truths to the Western World since 1875.
The Mission Statement of the Theosophical Society
“To serve humanity by cultivating an ever-deepening understanding and realization of the Ageless Wisdom, spiritual Self-transformation, and the Unity of all Life.” Resolution passed by the General Council of the Theosophical Society (2018).
Do not be afraid of your difficulties. Do not wish you could be in other circumstances than you are. For when you have made the best of an adversity, it becomes the stepping stone to a splendid opportunity.
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky – One of the founders of the Theosophical Society
Benefits of Membership
Belong to a Tried and Tested Organisation which has been bringing the Great Esoteric Truths to the Western World since 1875. Joining the Theosophical Society is more than just becoming a member of an Organisatiuon, it is an opportunity to help bring spiritual light into the world, through self-growth and group work; and joining with the nucleus of universal brotherhood that has been established by members throughout the world. A genuine commitment to brotherhood, which is the first object of the Society, is the mark of a truly spiritual person.
Objects of the Theosophical Society
To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour.
To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science.
To investigate unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in man.